General Healthcare & Well-being at Home

'Well-being' is defined as 'the state of feeling comfortable, happy and healthy'. A person's spiritual, emotional, physical and social sense of wellness will influence health status. With care visits tailored carefully to you and your needs, we aim to help facilitate your or your loved one's positive health and well-being.


Delighted with Mother's Live-In Care

We are delighted with the Live-in care that our mother receives in her home, due to her ongoing health difficulties.  The carers are patient, kind and very well-trained, and we feel that we can trust them completely with our mother’s care needs and medication.  The company can always be contacted easily, and respond and act very professionally in all circumstances.  They also go above and beyond what is required, so that our mother could go out for a special celebration. Having had the experience of using other care providers in the past, we would not hesitate in recommending Premier.

Are you getting the most out of life?

We can work hand-in-hand with you to help you maintain or achieve a positive feeling of well-being; we can help you to feel comfortable, secure, safe, healthy and happy in your home and surroundings. With Premier Homecare, you have our assurances you will absolutely receive the best possible care and support. We appreciate you as an individual with unique ways and choices which will always be recognised and will be at the forefront of the support we provide you.

Do you worry about your own or a loved one’s health problems?

From the simplest to most complex, our experienced nurse-led, professional care team can offer specialist and comprehensive support with all your health and care needs.

We will, if you are happy for us to do so, proactively liaise with GPs, district nurses, pharmacists, social services teams, hospital wards and departments with the aim of supporting you to live better and healthier as well as cope positively with the daily challenges life inevitably brings.

We live in an ageing society; older people need a safe environment to live life to the fullest which also promotes personal choice and control in order to live an active, fulfilling and happy life.

In Safe Hands

In Safe Hands

Rated Outstanding by the Care Quality Commission we are a local, experienced, caring, friendly and dedicated team with a reputation in Bristol for providing care of the highest standards to our privately funded clients.

What we offer

Sometimes making decisions can be difficult. We offer a range of different types of support to help take the stress or anxiety out of your day-to-day living.

  • Liaise with doctors, district nurses, pharmacies and other primary and social care professionals on your behalf

  • Arrange and accompany you on dental, hospital, healthcare or other appointments

  • Maximise mobility by liaising with healthcare professionals such as physiotherapists and occupational therapists for advice, aids and equipment to promote or improve your mobility and activity levels

  • Liaise with chiropodists and podiatrists on your behalf

  • Encourage and motivate you with exercising, healthy nutrition and hydrationa well as supporting you to ensure food safety

  • Support you to safely manage and take your medication

Know what your care options are?

Find out more about our General Healthcare & Well-being at Home services.

Call now, or book to talk to our care expert

“Every week is different and extremely rewarding.”